Eye and Mind

Eye and Mind

Eye never weary, mind never burdened--this is the challenge set before us.  We may find it hard to turn away at times, there is always a deep desire to be a part of something and to come to an understanding about it.  The problem is that we begin with the eye, observing and taking things in almost willfully, whereas the mind is always at odds to try and process this information.  But when looking becomes an inward motion, even though we may take notice of exterior events, the mind begins to find its ease because it is no longer solicited in a way that defines a make or break situation.  Turning away then is not a means of blocking everything out, so that we may focus on one thing, but it is turning away from the solicitation that we believe so crucial to life, only because this solicitation is self-created.  We find that we may be implicated, but the implications do not depend upon control, but upon being totally conscious of the original calm that exists when the eye is never weary and the mind never burdened.

Douglas Thornton


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